
Choose the product that's right for you

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Essentials Online

Access Provision Planner from any device with all core features including online barcode scanning


Month-to-month subscription

Includes 30-day free trial; cancel anytime

Full access to our all core features including barcode scanning

Multi-device access from anywhere

Join our Reddit community for support and collaboration with others

Offline Pro

Currently: In closed beta

Access Provision Planner from a fully private and local desktop application


One-time payment

Fully-local, private desktop application that you own forever

MacOS, Windows, Linux support

Single device access

Join our Reddit community for support and collaboration with others

Payments are secure & encrypted

Why pay for a preparedness app?

If you're serious about prepping for emergencies, it's worth purchasing an app like Provision Planner over a free alternative. Here's why:

Aligned interests

With a subscription, you become the customer, not the product. Free services often monetize by selling your data to advertisers, which can compromise your privacy and lead to features prioritized for ad revenue, not your prepping needs.

Data privacy

Your personal data is sensitive and valuable. Free apps may compromise your privacy by selling your data to advertisers. With Provision Planner, we prioritize your privacy and don't rely on data monetization with third-parties to sustain our business.

Sustainable business model

We're committed to the long-term success of Provision Planner. By purchasing, you're supporting a sustainable business that can continue to evolve and improve over time. Unlike free alternatives that may stagnate or disappear due to lack of revenue, or sell and/or develop with your data while you're unaware.

"I have to admit I've gotten so used to everything just being free. It's different but having my data sold is worse. Especially data about my preps. It's not even worth the risk! I am surprisingly happy to see the one-time lifetime option so I can avoid subscriptions too."

Joshua, USA

ex-Microsoft Excel prepper

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